I can't sleep..

..... Okay I know I'm suppose to be in bed. But hmmm. Nevermind! Skipping lecture what. Lol. Tell you guys something random, my lappy is back to working condition!! :D After dying on us for 3 damn years. Made me suffer for so long, then it decided to work for us :D So I guess Mummy won't have to get us a new laptop for the time being : ) Please don't die on me yet. : S Come to think of it, the laptop is damn freaking laggy can. Aftermath of dying 3 years, technology really changes at such rapid speed man. Hmmm... So damn bored. I found reall random stuff on my lappy. Photographs when I was in Secondary 3 or 4 : D Can't remember lah. 3 damned years.

Hello baby Bobby dearrr (: Just 3 months old! So sweet huh.
Hahaha, dressing our gay puppy. He's at least more than 1/2 a year old.
HIMB(: When I was in Secondary uhhh, 3? Yeah around the end of the year.
My Saxophone section : D
Kayyyyy, now you know why I always lose my image? :S
My BESTEST band mate in HIMB(: Yvonne. We're in our hotel in KL!
KL exhange trip!
Try spotting me!
If you notcied, my face is STANDARDIZED in all photographs. I pout more than I smile. haha.
Sorry to show this to the whole world. LOL, while I was 14 and you were 15.
Olivia and Moi :D
Secondary Four??? I just got my spectacles! :D
The year our laptop died.
My skinniest period. : S In the midst of secondary 3.
Okay.... NOT very skinny after all, looks more disturbing, isn't it? LOL!!
I overgrew after O Levels. Hmmmm):
Think I only look normal now? LOL. Do I?

Some shit ass wants to pick up a fight with me at this hour. GET OUT OF MY LIFE. Damn it. I've been trying to put you off this 5 years, can't you simply understand what's GO AWAY. If you wna talk don't you effing pick a fight with me again. I'm SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOU.

Now I'm really tired. Good night : D

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